Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Gamers Creed

Day by day
With my Doritos and Dew
Ill play my life away.

Sitting on this couch in isolation
These words I say aloud
"For my enemy, there is no absolution."

Many are the Dews that I will consume.
With this controller in hand
Several lives I will assume.

When all is said and done
And great is your fame
"I am your master,"
Sayeth the game.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Raid

I step out into the fresh morning air. The Sun shines down upon our small village, glimering off the crystal walls that protect us from invaders. The springtime feels great on my skin. As I make my way throughout our peaceful village, I see my fellow villagers roaming around running their normal day to day errands. I breathe in a deep breath of crisp cool air and let it out slowly as if to say, Im alive. Suddenly, I feel the ground shake ever so slightly. Then again. Another shake. Fear rises from my stomach into my heart. No! Please, not again. These words escape in a soft whisper pleading quietly that my fears will not be realized. The village raid siren begins to sound. The eerie wailing of the siren sends pure terror racing through my body. As the shaking grows even stronger, the first giant appears over the tip of the trees. The giant is accompanied by dozens of barbarians, archers, and wizards. They begin running out of the forest with intense war cries, intent on our complete destruction. Here I stand, frozen in fear. Our soldiers take their battle positions to protect our village. The shattering boom of the cannons reverberates across our village, waking me from my daze. Quickly, I run to the shelters. They are at the perimeter now, devastating the walls with their bombs. Arrows black out the sun and fireballs reign down from the sky as I close the door to the shelter. Me and those inside, huddle together in fear, praying for our very lives. Outside the shelter, we hear the clanking of swords, the booming of cannons, arrows wizzing by, and suddenly.... Silence. The silence was nearly deafening. No one dared leave the shelter. Slowly, I opened the door and took the first step. It was over. The village laid in ruins; debre everywhere. We made our way to the town hall where other survivors were already gathering. Our leader stood tall and exclaimed, "Today we were attacked by a visious enemy! We will not sit idly by while our enemy is allowed to roam free! Prepare the troops! We will have our revenge."
This, my friends, is my Clash of Clans experience.